About us

From 1935, after the Voluntary Firefighting Society was formed (the first firefighting unit in Sveti Nikole), until 1975. are under the auspices of the Fire Protection Union of Macedonia. In 1975, by decision of the assembly of the then SFRY, all firefighting companies came under the budget of the Republic, i.e. transferred to the Ministry of the Interior as Territorial Firefighting Units (TPPE). In this formation, the unit existed under the Ministry of the Interior until 2005, where from 01.07.2005, by agreement, it passed into the Unit for Local Self-Government Sveti Nikole with a legal decision, where the unit covers the territory of the municipalities of Sveti Nikole and Lozovo.

The fire fighting unit of the municipality of Sveti Nikole is one of 19 republic units. Pursuant to Article 5 paragraph 4 of the Firefighting Law ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" no. 67/04, 81/07, 55/13, 158/14, 193/15, 39/16 and "Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia" " no. 152/19) ", TPPE Sveti Nikole covers the territories of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole and the Municipality of Lozovo.

Territorial Fire Department
Territorial fire fighting unit performs the responsibilities related to:
• Extinguishing fires in the area of Ostina, that is, the area it covers
• Removal of the immediate danger of fire
• Saving the lives of citizens and protecting property damaged by fires and explosions
• Indication of technical assistance in dangerous situations
• Execution of other works in case of accidents and incidents
• Performs non-profitable services for the purpose of improving the technical equipment and working conditions, which do not prevent or hinder the performance of the function from the previous paragraphs of this paragraph
• Together with the territorial fire-fighting units of the municipalities in the RSM established by law, they act as the fire-fighting units of the RSM for the purpose of operational action when extinguishing large fires in the entire territory of the RSM
• Providing assistance when requested to extinguish fires in other countries
• Keeping special records of fires, explosions, extinguishing interventions and interventions for other events according to a unique methodology and reporting to the Directorate for Protection and Rescue and the Municipality of Sveti Nikole
• Periodic testing and checking of the correctness of the firefighting equipment available to the Territorial Firefighting Unit
• Current repair and maintenance of mechanics
• Providing fire protection for facilities, delegations, public gatherings, sports and other events, in coordination with the Ministry of Internal Affairs
• Cooperates with the municipalities whose areas it covers, educating citizens about fire protection, through the organization of lectures, through the media and organizing other activities
• Other matters that will be entrusted to the authority according to laws and other regulations

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Municipality of Sveti Nikola
Municipality of Lozovo